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November - Fluorite

As the year begins to close in the call for cleansing grows deeper. The energy of Fluorite is the perfect crystal to assist us with this task. Whether it be the need for an emotional detox or spiritual cleanse, Fluorite will lead us on this enquiry. Anchoring into the Heart, it sweeps and clears blockages that are preventing us from seeing the bigger picture. It works it's way up to connect us with divine connection to our personal truth, while positioning us with an unwavering trust and belief in what we see, feel and sense from the realms outside of our physicality. With gentle determination, Fluorite will bring in calm and peace to our troubled minds that were fraught with over worry and lead us to hold space with being present and appreciative of where our journey has taken us so far. Energetically, November is such a powerful month. Keep your vibe positive to align with the synchronicities and magic that are waiting for you! Much love for the month ahead. 💛

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