Super New Moon in Virgo
Friday 30th August 2019 Keywords
🌟 Determination 🌟 Fresh 🌟 Resilience 🌟 Sexy 🌟 Vibrant Crystal 🌟 Ocean Jasper Essential Oil 🌟 Bergamot There's a radiance in the air yet you have to be open to feeling it, knowing it and believing it. Yes that radiance is you! But have you been bogged down with life and its demands, along with the intense energy that has been flooding us this year? And in feeling as if you've been in the depths of either not much excitement or at worse despair, have you forgotten about all the things that bring you to life and put a smile on your face. This New Moon in Virgo calls on you to continue to be resilient and determined to reach your goals. Review those goals and check whether you have happiness and joy in there, as they should be a priority. Ocean Jasper will guide you to flow to a space of inner happiness, ensuring that you take joy in the earthly pleasures that life brings on a daily basis. There is a call during this new lunar cycle to connect back to nature and recognise that it is in simplicity that Grace and gratitude is achieved which will lead you to an easily attainable state of joy. This in turn will bring back a vibrancy and sexiness to your energy field that may have been long forgotten but your mind, body and soul will welcome back with open arms.